High Needs Funding (HNF)

LHNF (Local High Needs Funding)

Please ensure all LHNF applications are sent to dspl9lhnf@bournehall.herts.sch.uk via schoolsfx.

Month Date of panel Deadline for applications
September Thursday 21st September 06.09.23 by 5pm
October Thursday 19th October 04.10.23 by 5pm
November Thursday 23rd November 08.11.23 by 5pm
January Thursday 18th January 20.12.23 by 5pm
February Thursday 15th February 31.01.24 by 5pm
March Thursday 21st March 06.03.24 by 5pm
May Thursday 9th May 24.04.24 by 5pm
June Thursday 13th June 22.05.24 by 5pm
July Thursday 4th July 19.06.24 by 5pm

All resources linked to LHNF including Hertfordshire’s  descriptors of need, application form and guidance can be accessed using the following link:


Updated-LHNF-form.rtf (1623 downloads )

Permanent link to this article: http://dsplarea9.org.uk/faqconc/high-needs-funding-hnf/